Last weekend was gorgeous here. Hot, sunny, vivid blue sky, amazing. And since one of our goals for this summer is to go to the beach more often, that is what we did. And despite the application of plenty of SPF40, I am now sporting a snazzy new sunburn. Not all over, mind you, just in large blotches - rather giraffe like. It's stunning, I assure you.
However, as I was sitting on the beach, I was reflecting on the fact that 7 days from that moment, I would be in an alternate universe, one where it's dark from 4pm to 8am, and one where it's cold, and snowy. And cold. It seems so weird that I am going to get on a plane on a hot, sunny day, and get off the plane in cold, wintry darkness. And then I realised that I better start moisturising, because it is not going to be fun wearing 16 layers on top of a sunburn. However, the good news is that there will be much less urgency to shave my legs while I am there. Awesome.
Sorry for the general lack of posting... I have been a little busy with year-end stuff at work, and packing, and baking, and shopping, and cleaning, and laundry. Oh, and I started a book this week that I can't put down... just because I really don't have time to read a book right now. But that is just how I roll.
Signed, The Giraffe
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