Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Keep on keeping on

We are still here and doing fine. Like I emailed Dan tonight, 'the state to the south of us is burning and the state to the north is under water, so I can't really complain.' This country is still very much an amazing mystery to me. Some days I love it and some days I can't wait to leave it behind.

All is well, we have just been busy and working a lot. Jon has been local since Christmas, which I am thankful for, and since my company acquired a competitor last month, I have been working my tail off. I am still hoping it will settle in and get easier, but it will probably be months yet before that happens.

Lots of contemplation and talk lately in the Garcia household about what comes next after Australia and when we might leave. No answers yet, but I think we are getting closer to having a plan. You could say we are planning to have a plan.

Just wanted to say congratulations to my sisters who both brought a new baby into the family on Valentines Day. Must have been something about that full moon last week, eh? Anyway - both are healthy and doing fine... so where are those pictures already?! Looking forward to meeting niece and nephew number 18 and 19.

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