Let me just start by saying that we didn't take very many photos on our trip this time. Perhaps it was because it was cold enough to freeze snot, and it was a hassle to remove the 37 gloves we were wearing just to get out the camera. Or, perhaps it was just too easy to press the camera button on my iphone than to use the actual camera. (There's gotta be an app for that!) Anyway, most of the pictures we did take were blurry, a fact which The Husband has announced calls for a new lens for the camera. Whatever. I think I'll stick with the iphone.
As one of my favourite bloggers wrote this week...
The holidays seemed to have picked me up by my feet, swung me around its head, and flung me into a dumpster.
And isn't that the truth.
I am never sure if a trip "home" is going to convince me that Canada actually is home, or further my feelings that I am completely without a home. This trip made me want to curl up into a ball and eat myself into a stupor. I wonder how many Wendy's number 4 combos that would take?
Two days into the trip I told The Husband that I realised how much I missed Canada. The people are so lovely... the customer service to die for... barely a funny accent to be had. And then we arrived in the Soo. Holy cow, I thought we were in Fargo! Since when do Canadians sound like Sarah Palin? Freaky. (There's gotta be an app for that, surely!)
Anyway, we survived it. It was cold, and snowy, which was fun for about 30 seconds. And then it was just cold and snowy. Christmas was nice. But every year I say "Less stuff! Fewer presents!" And this year, I mean it. The craziness has got to stop with someone, and I'll gladly put my hand up. Next year, everyone gets a
New Years was a lot of fun though, and it's nuts to think that we are already 10 years past the insanity of Y2K. Seems like that was just yesterday.
After 61 hours in airports and on tarmacs and in line for (some seriously invasive) security and on planes, I am happy to be back 'home' and getting some rest. I seem to have contracted the annual post-holiday sickness. Ick. Hopefully nothing a weekend of rest won't fix.