Last weekend was Labour Day weekend here; officially the first long weekend of summer. With it came daylight savings, The Husband's birthday, and 3 days of rain. Why does it always seem to rain on the long weekends? Regardless, we had a nice couple of days off work, spent time with friends, and lunched at Sushi Train. Yum.
The days are longer now, and while it royally stinks to have to get up at what feels like 5:30am, it sure is nice to leave the office when it's still daylight. Feels like summer... which totally makes me miss having a bbq in the backyard. I also miss having a backyard, for that matter. But I am looking forward to some beach weekends very soon.
Work has been going well - nothing too exciting though. I am heading back to Brissy for part of this week. I thought I would love to travel for work. The Husband would travel every day and be happy as a dog with two tails, but I don't enjoy it all that much. I don't enjoy flying by myself, airports make me tense. And I don't enjoy staying in hotels by myself, I never know where to get dinner. But - it's not too terrible to have to fly to tropical Queensland, even if it is for work. I should really take my camera and try to take some photos this time. Alternately, I could learn how to get the photos off my iphone and onto my computer, eh?
This month marks the 3 year anniversary of when The Husband first landed on this continent. I cannot believe that it has been 3 years already. Where has the time gone?
Sorry for such a random post, I can't think of anything to say lately. The past few months have been tough for me and I struggle to know how much I should put out into the blogosphere these days. I find myself wanting to be more private and hold my loved ones and our memories a little closer. I am sure some of you understand.
1 comment:
Val I totally feel ya' with so much of this! I just realized my 3 year anniversary passed last week and I didn't even notice!
I do agree that it ALWAYS rains on the long weekends. Sydney holiday weekends are nothing like those back in the states.
We need to catch up soon!
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