Gosh, what a week! It's been one of the more trying weeks I can remember. I don't know what it is lately, but I feel like I am some ones voodoo doll. Yikes, I don't think I have ever been so happy to reach the weekend. Seriously, I felt like driving home from work whilst blaring the 'Rocky' song, fist pumping the air like 'yes! I survived the worst week ever!' I have a suspicion that most of the folks sharing my commute would look over at me and nod knowingly like, yeah girl, we totally hear ya. Anyway - it's the weekend and I refuse to give my office bully a second more of my head space this weekend. Bitter bully - be gone with you!
On a happier note, I went to the outdoor cinema with some friends tonight to see Gulliver's Travels, which, as a film, was not great. But I am always a fan of the outdoor cinema, and it was an awesome evening. Thanks, friends! Perhaps if the weather is clear tomorrow, I can convince The Husband to head over there again to watch the Brazilian film that's playing. Shouldn't be too hard of a sell, considering he won't even have to read the subtitles.
Today is my little sister V's birthday. I can't believe she's nearly 30! I remember when she was just a little bratty kid. And she was bratty, let me tell you. But she has grown up to be such a wonderful young woman, and an amazing mom. I wish I could see her more often.
Anyway, this post has become rambling, and I really only sat down for a few minutes while the washing machine was finishing. I meant to write about my efforts to remain calm this week, and how listening to Celine Dion in the car on the way to work was oddly not helping... and then I found the photo (above) and my thoughts drifted to what Celine would sound like accompanied by a kazoo and I realised that would be just about right.
Have a good weekend, ya'll!
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