March is the first day of autumn in Sydney, and suddenly the weather has changed. Summer almost seems to have ended over night. It gets dark earlier and earlier these days, and the night air is cool and fresh. Thoughts turn to sweaters and quilts and the glorious blue-skied days of Australian autumn.
Work has been challenging lately. I have been lucky enough to have been given the opportunity to do some things I have been wanting to do for a long time. Some of my current projects are exciting and fun. But other parts of work have been less exciting, and I've had some rough days. I think back sometimes on other jobs I've had and the lessons I learned there... lessons that help me so much all these years later. I've had the opportunity to teach some of those same lessons to others lately and it's been so rewarding, seeing them come full circle.
This year has only just begun and already there has been so much heartbreak in this part of the world. The floods in Queensland, and Victoria, followed by Cyclone Yasi, and more recently the earthquake in Christchurch, NZ. Lately it feels like there is never any good news anywhere. That's why it's important that we find a little bit of joy every day.
The Husband and I walked over to the outdoor cinema last night for the last showing of the summer. We've been lucky to live in a place where we can walk to these kinds of events. The weather was cool, the stars were out, and we walked through the park, holding hands. It was bittersweet... a funny movie, but the ending of another season. A good reminder to make the most of each day. They go by so fast.
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