Mostly winter in Sydney is rainy and cold. Sometimes we will have the most glorious, sunny day, that makes you just want to 'chuck a sickie' and run away to the beach. But by the time the afternoon sets in, it's dark. In fact, I have been arriving to work lately just as the sun is coming up and leaving in darkness. I am not a fan, and honestly, I'd just like to hibernate until spring. Especially today, as it was bitter cold, rainy and windy. Eew. Although, watching people waiting for the bus with umbrellas blown inside out is always good for a chuckle.
I have been trying to fill in the weekends with fun things that get us out of the house. Last weekend we visited my favourite farmers market with some friends, and then went to the fish market... all of which spontaneously ended in a gathering of friends at our place for nachos, fish tacos, and a rousing game of cards. (I lost badly.)
This weekend we are taking a small road trip to meet one of my online-but-never-met-in-real-life friends for lunch on Saturday. I am looking forward to the drive and the company.
I think now that it's full on winter, it may be time to finish that two year old knitting project and finish all of the books I have been meaning to read. I suppose, if all else fails, I could always clean the oven and fold laundry. Exciting times, hey?
1 comment:
Let me know if you want to have a knitting date!
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