Well... I did it. I got my Canadian passport. Pretty cool to see a passport with blank pages. I haven't had one of those in years. It makes me think of all the places I have yet to go and the stamps I want to see in those pages.
The Husband and I have been reading the blog of a guy who's goal is to visit every country in the world by 2013. read it here I am pretty much in awe of this guy, and I keep asking - why couldn't we do that? And really, while I am more of a "savour the experience" traveller, and less of a "check em off the list" kind of gal, the truth is that nothing is keeping us from seeing the world.
The question always then comes back to which countries to choose. There are so many that we want to see. And so, we approach it in the same way we approach everything... with a list and a plan.
A few months ago, The Husband and I set out to make a list of goals for ourselves. And one of them was to complete a round the world trip, encompassing a number of the geographic areas that we would like to see as well as return to a few that we have already seen, albeit not together. There are obviously many details of this trip to be ironed out, but we have given ourselves a goal of 2011. Two years to save, plan, and execute. We are pretty excited about the possibilities.
First, we will hopefully be completing a number of trips in and around Australia. And the one that I am most looking forward to is an upcoming trip to the Cook Islands. Now... show of hands if you can actually tell me where the Cook Islands are without a search engine. No? Here is some help:

Basically, the Middle of Nowhereville, Pacific Ocean. Not a huge country to check off the list, but an interesting one, nonetheless.
And while we are on the subject of goals, here's where we stand with a few others:
3. Learn to kayak
4. Take a sushi class
5. Go to the Cook Islands
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