Sunday, September 13, 2009

to beach or not to beach

We have sadly not visited the beach half as often as we thought we would before we moved here. Since we are about 13 days into spring here, and the temperature this weekend reached nearly 33c/92f... we decided to head to the beach this morning.

As did each and every one of our 4,284,379 Sydneysider neighbours.

I remember going to the beach with my family as a child. It wasn't something that happened often, and it was a pretty big deal when we did actually get to go. There would be a mad, hot rush to grab our gear and jump in the van before my father changed his mind. And by the time we did reach the beach, we were all so hot and sweaty from being in the van, it was a delirious relief to jump in the water and cool off. Except, by the time you had to leave, and after everything was packed up and the inevitable fights wound down and we were all on our way back home, we were hotter and sweatier than before we left.

So. Not much changes as an adult. You get up early on a gorgeous hot sunny day, and you - ok, your Husband, actually - preps all the picnic food, packs it all up, digs out the blankets, towels, bathing 'cossies' etc, and then digs the umbrella out from under the bed (reminding you what else exactly is under there!) and gets ready to walk out the door. Then you are reminded that you didn't put sunblock on and you know how you burn! so you go back and put that on. THEN you schlep it all to the car. Yes, you are driving to the beach, even though by now it's nearly 10:30 and you know that all of Sydney will already be at the beach, and you'd really be better off taking the bus. But no. You drive.

And you get to the beach and you can't find a parking spot. So you get dumped, with all the stuff, at the curb (or kerb, as they say here. ?!?!) and your Husband goes off to park the car so far away, it's nearly back home. Meanwhile, you scope out the options. Shade? Sun? Far from the water? Close to the washrooms? Finally you see the perfect place and start walking. Except by the time you reach The Perfect Spot, someone else is there. So you disgustedly plop nearby.

And then by the time your Husband gets back from parking the car, and decides he'd rather be closer to the water, so you have to pack it all up and move again, you are So Over It.

But it was a gorgeous day and the sun was nice. It's great to be married to a guy who can develop a perfect tan in just about the same amount of time it takes for me to burn to a crisp.

You know what the best thing about going to the beach is? Going home, taking a shower, and then a nap. Welcome to summer!

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